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Five-foot diameter wind turbine approved for Trimingham Hill

Planning permission has been granted for the installation of a Urban Green Energy UGE-4K wind turbine with a five foot diameter atop a 22-foot pole at a property on Windcrest Drive, Trimmingham Hill, Paget.

An application to erect a wind turbine at the top of Trimingham Hill has been approved by the Department of Planning.

The application, submitted by Ian Hunter on July 25 this year, proposed the erection of a vertical-axis UGE-4K wind turbine at a property on Windcrest Drive in Paget.

The turbine will sit atop a 22ft 11in monopole with a rotary diameter of 5ft by 3ft 11in. It will be capable of generating 4kW of electricity, and can be lowered in high winds.

According to Mr Hunter, he and the supplier will be responsible for maintaining the equipment and that its design and low profile would make it virtually invisible.

The Development Applications Board report stated: “The only concern of technical officers is that of visual impact.

“Photo montages have been submitted from various viewing points to demonstrate that the proposed wind turbine will not be overly intrusive.”

The board requested on November 5 that anemometers be installed at the site to determine if the wind turbine achieved its intended purpose of supplementing the residence’s electricity supply.