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Govt to stage public meetings on SAGE

Premier Craig Cannonier: Calling for public dialogue on SAGE Report

Premier Craig Cannonier has called for open public dialogue on recommendations in the recently released SAGE Commission report as Government considers its next steps.

Mr Cannonier said this afternoon that Government will be reaching out to the Island’s unions next week to hear their views and concerns, and will be hosting town hall meetings and stakeholder meetings in the near future to receive input.

“The SAGE Commission has offered us an opportunity to define how we move forward as a people, how we shape our society,” the Premier said. “What we decide to implement can provide Bermudians with a Government that reflects the ambitions and principles we want for the country.

“It is an opportunity to fix inherited problems, making sure, in particular, that we don’t saddle our children with our debt. It is an opportunity to make change work for the common good, and to set the Island on a sustainable path to the future.

“Right now, as the commissioners concluded, the cost of Government is ‘unsustainable and out of control’. As the elected Government of Bermuda, we have a sacred duty to look out for the safety and security of the people and to bring about change that keeps them out of harm’s way.

“The Commission’s work represents the efforts of dozens of volunteers who gave their time and skills to move the Island forward in ways that better serve the people and in ways that can be sustained over time. As Bermudians, we owe it to ourselves to give fair and open hearing to all its findings and recommendations no matter how challenging they may appear, and to see the many possibilities they present for economic empowerment.”

He called on the public to take part in the conversation about what elements of the report should be put in place, and how they should be implemented.

“This must be the start of a national conversation,” the Premier said. “I encourage everyone who is concerned for the country’s future — which surely must be all Bermudians — to read the SAGE Report and take part in the dialogue.

“Let’s seize this opportunity to right the ship of state. Let’s make change work for a better future, through wise use of our resources and new opportunities that meets the needs of all our people.”

The report, released on November 15, makes a number of suggestions to improve Government efficiency such as privatising several Government departments and shrinking the size of both the Cabinet and legislature.