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Island’s heartfelt tributes to Mandela

A 1994 file photo of Nelson Mandela.

The Anglican Church of Bermuda expressed sadness at the death of Mr Mandela, and intends to hold special prayers at the Cathedral on the day of the former South Africa president’s funeral.

The Anglican Church of Bermuda currently has two priests trained in South Africa. South African national, Rev Musa Daba, Rector of Smith’s, said: “It’s a bittersweet time; the news comes to us as a shock. I join the world in expressing our deepest condolences to the Family of Madiba and we pray God’s peace in their lives as they mourn the death of their father, grandfather and Great-grand father.

“We thank this family for allowing us proud South Africans to call him our father. Today our nation and the world mourns with you. To my fellow South Africans: let us together praise God for the gift that Nelson Mandela was to our Nation. We know what our South Africa would have been were it not for the wisdom and boldness of this hero.

“This is not just a time for black South Africans to mourn but all South Africa to feel the deep sadness of Mandela’s Death. LALA NGOXOLO TAT’UMADIBA, YEM-YEM, NTSONDO MSILA, MTHEMBO’MHLE. SIKU YALEZA MADIBA KWINCEBA KA THIXO.”

Rev David Matthews, Rector of Southampton, said: “Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest, if not the greatest man of our time. A man who perhaps had regrets about his imprisonment but was without bitterness. His aim of a free South Africa coming to pass was enough to make his sacrifice worthwhile. His gentle persona, bearing and authenticity undoubtedly prevented post-apartheid South Africa from descending into a culture of revenge and bloodshed.”

In a statement, the Anglican Church of Bermuda said: “At the time of this death we in the Anglican Church of Bermuda want to express our deepest sympathy with the people of South Africa in the loss of the father of the modern nation of South Africa. Our hearts go out to those South African nationals who now live in Bermuda who are far from home as their nation mourns. We wish to offer all those who mourn Nelson Mandela’s passing our prayer and support.

“We also pray for the ongoing legacy of Nelson Mandela whose life shone with such clarity in the darkness of apartheid and in the rebuilding of that country. We recommit ourselves to striving, with others who oppose evil, to seek to transform unjust structures in human society wherever they may be found.”

On the day of his funeral, at the Cathedral Church of the Most Holy Trinity, special prayers will be said, and the Cathedral will be open every day from 8am-5pm for prayer and quiet reflection upon the life of Mr Mandela.

The African Diaspora Heritage Trail (Bermuda) Foundation said it shared the grief the world was experiencing, “the sense of loss that we all feel at Mandela’s passing. He will be missed, but he will most certainly be long remembered”.

In a statement, the organisation said: “Today, the world has lost one of the most brilliant men, one of the most charismatic leaders, one of the most endearing persons with whom we have been fortunate enough to share this life.

“Nelson Mandela was not only a distinguished citizen of South Africa and the African continent, he was an outstanding citizen of the world. Virtually every nation, virtually every community, virtually every individual everywhere on the face of the earth, claimed him as their own; adopted him as their friend, brother, father; and saw him as their leader.

“Today, the world mourns the passing of a great inspiration; today the world mourns the loss of the epitome of character, courage and confidence; a man who brought comfort to the weary, peace to the troubled, contentment to the discontented and love to all.

“Today as the world mourns the loss of this outstanding example of humility, we also celebrate the life of this man who lived life in the most exemplary manner.

“Nelson Mandela loved his enemies, blessed those who cursed him, extended hands of friendship and love to those who hated him and prayed for those who persecuted him. Neither age nor incursions on his health dampened his resolve to be a positive influence, to make a significant difference, to show Africa and the world that adversity ought not mean defeat and despair.”

Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (CURB) said it joined “all the people of Bermuda in mourning the death of Nelson Mandela, and sends love and support to his wife Graca Machel, family and all who love him.”

The organisation last night released a statement which said: “Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring and iconic figures of our age, beloved by many around the world and, over his 27 years in prison, he became a potent symbol for justice and freedom.

“For CURB he stood as a beacon for racial justice, respect, authenticity, courage, empowerment and effectiveness, all values that CURB hold dear. He was also a humble man, and never forgot the people whom he worked so hard to empower and raise up.

“As we mourn, we also honour and celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life. We remember that through diversity, opposition, imprisonment and threat of death and injury, the authorities in South Africa were unable to keep

his spirit and his inspiration from fuelling the fires of resistance to injustice among his people. He inspired people from around the world to fight against racism, prejudice and discrimination.

“Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to the struggle of the African people, and as he said at his trial in Rivonia in 1963, prior to being given life imprisonment, ‘I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.’”

CURB continued: “Nelson Mandela’s story is also one of hope, love and humility, and he taught us that we do not have to accept the world as it is ... and that we can each do our part to make the world a better place.

“His was a passionate voice for reconciliation and he never lost sight of this goal despite all he had endured. As we contemplate a world without this great man we must remember what he stood for and know that the

greatest way we can honour his memory is for each and every one of us to continue to work against injustice wherever we see it.

“We salute you Madiba, and hold you in our hearts forever.”

The One Bermuda Alliance also expressed regret at the death of Mr Mandela, referring to him as “without doubt South Africa’s greatest son”.

In a statement, the OBA said: “He was that country’s first black president for five years, from 1994 to 1999, until he stepped down to allow his deputy, Thabo Mbeki, to take his place.

“By the example he set in preaching reconciliation in his deeply-divided country, despite having been imprisoned for 27 years, he was an inspiration to people around the world. He was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

“He was a sweet man, a man whose smile lit up every room he entered. He was a man whose simplicity, honesty and humanity made him above all things the most accessible of men.

“There is no one in the world who would not be improved by studying and emulating Nelson Mandela. His like will not be seen again.”