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Man jailed for using fake note

A Devonshire man, who earlier this week admitted unlawfully assaulting and threatening to kill a woman, today received 30-day prison sentence for knowingly using a counterfeit $50 note to buy beer.

Thirty-seven year-old Tio Weeks pleaded guilty in Magistrates’ Court to buying a six-pack of Carlsberg Elephant beer from the Church Street Marketplace using fake money.

Prosecutor Maria Sofianos told the court Weeks received $35.25 in change after purchasing the beer with the counterfeit note around 6pm on November 18.

Ms Sofianos said the cashier did not initially recognise the note was fake. After examining it and realising it was counterfeit, the cashier sent a grocery packing boy chasing after Weeks.

The packer informed Weeks that the note was fake and asked him to come back inside. However, Weeks refused, got in his car and drove off.

Police subsequently arrested Weeks, who said he was given the fake note by another man. He said that while the note “felt a little light” he had no idea it was counterfeit.

“It was an honest mistake,” Weeks told the court. “That’s all I want to say. I work. Using a fake $50 bill to buy beer? That’s out of my character. It was an honest mistake.”

Addressing Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner, Weeks also apologised to the court for the expletive-laden outburst he made earlier in the week.

“Half of that is b***s***. It’s b***s***. You can write that in the paper,” said Weeks on Monday, after receiving a two-year sentence for unlawfully assaulting and threatening to kill a woman.

Mr Warner sentenced Weeks to 30 days imprisonment to run concurrent with the sentence now being served.