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MAWI smell still lingers, say residents

Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute

Residents near the Mid Atlantic Wellness Institute are still complaining of foul smells in the area, almost two months after the problem was supposed to have been remedied.

The odours, emanating from the MAWI waste treatment facility, should have dissipated 24 hours after The Royal Gazette first reported the issue back in late October, according to a statement by the Bermuda Hospitals Board.

But calls to The Royal Gazette from residents made it clear yesterday the problem had not been resolved.

The smell appears to be more noticeable in an area near the Christopher’s Close apartments on Devon Springs Road in Devonshire, as some residents in the surrounding area said they were not aware of the issue.

One 28-year-old Christopher’s Close resident, who asked not to be named, said the smells got worse in the evenings.

“After sunset, that’s when it gets real bad, because of the damp air I suppose,” he said. “But it’s every day, man. It stinks, you know what I mean? I just want to come home to some nice, fresh air, you know?

“I can’t tell you exactly how long (it’s been going on), about all year, I guess. It got worse around Cup Match because it’s hot. Like, it stinks bad.”

He added that the stench was so strong it now deters him from staying home in the evenings.

“I don’t want to come home at night because it stinks so bad.”

Bermuda Hospitals Board said the situation would continue to be “closely and proactively monitor[ed]”.

An “item that helps eliminate odours” was replaced on Monday, according to the BHB.

“Bermuda Hospitals Board had also noticed the smell . . . we will continue to closely and proactively monitor the situation,” said a BHB spokesperson.