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Swearing in

Bermuda’s new Deputy Governor will be officially sworn in at a ceremony at Government House tomorrow.

Career diplomat Ginny Ferson has previously been posted to Mauritius, Luxembourg, South Korea and Pakistan during her more-than 25 years with the Diplomatic Service.

She has also served as Deputy Governor of Pitcairn while she was simultaneously First Secretary at the British High Commission in Wellington, New Zealand and then subsequently British Consul-General in Auckland, New Zealand.

The mother of two children, Mrs Ferson had earlier said that she was “very much looking forward” to working in Bermuda.

“I have enjoyed my previous roles working with UK Overseas Territories and I hope this experience will help me settle quickly into this new role,” she said.

“My family and I are looking forward to getting to know Bermuda and the people of Bermuda when we arrive at the end of the year.”