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Bermuda police begin independent probe into Caymanian officer’s suicide

A team of Bermuda Police officers has been selected to investigate the apparent suicide of a policeman in the Cayman Islands.

The body of Police Constable Raphael Williams was discovered on January 12, just two days after the 45-year-old officer was released on bail, having been arrested on suspicion of blackmail and breach of trust.

According to the Cayman News Service, there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death as it appeared that Pc Williams hanged himself.

Nevertheless, Caymanian Police Commissioner David Baines said the incident warranted in independent review, which is why Bermuda detectives were drafted in.

“It is normal practice in the UK and in other jurisdictions that such circumstances would be subject to independent review,” Police Commissioner Baines said.

“I felt it was important to ensure that the RCIPS also adopts this approach to ensure that all aspects of the arrest and death are reviewed in an open, transparent and independent way.

“The enquiry team will outline their findings in a report to the Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Service who will in then make the findings available to Governor Helen Kilpatrick.”

The trio of Bermuda investigators arrived in the Cayman Islands on Tuesday.