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Furbert to stay on as BIU head

BIU president Chris Furbert. (Photo by Akil Simmons)

Bermuda Industrial Union head Chris Furbert will remain President of the organisation after being returned unopposed for a third term.

Mr Furbert got the backing of the membership following a Quadrennial Delegates Conference last week.

The BIU has been in the headlines following a number of strikes that disrupted public transport services.

But earlier this month Mr Furbert appeared to offer an olive branch to Government, after calling for a meeting between the two groups. Following that meeting, declared both parties were working “in the spirit of collaboration” on a number of issues.

Other Executive Officers who were returned unopposed following the conference were; Glenn Simmons, First Vice President; Molly Burgess, General Secretary; George Scott, Chief Organiser; Graham Nesbitt, Assistant General Secretary and Ronaldine Burgess, Recording Secretary.

Louis Somner was elected as Second Vice President, Arnold Smith was elected as Research Officer, and members voted overwhelmingly to have Collin Simmons back as Education Officer.

Renee Jones ran unopposed for the position of Treasurer, becoming the first woman to hold the position.

Mr Furbert extended thanks to Calvin Smith and Cecil Durham who retired from their positions as Research Officer and Treasurer.

The six special delegates voted in were Tanya Darrell, Tomeiko Simons, Chris Belboda, Patrick Hayward, Raymond Tucker and Kedoe Arorash. The special delegates will form part of the BIU’s General Council.