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Tsunami warning exercise planned

A tsunami warning exercise, involving Bermuda and other countries in the region, has been scheduled for Wednesday.

The exercise, involving the Bermuda Weather Service, will simulate an undersea earthquake and landslide off the coast of Portugal.

An actual tsunami could send tidal waves in the direction of Bermuda and other Atlantic jurisdictions.

The all-day event, held in conjunction emergency services in other countries, will include warnings posted on the Bermuda Weather Channel on CableVision and WOW. Notices of the exercise will also be given on weather telephone recordings.

According to a statement released by BAS-Serco, which operates the Weather Service, Bermuda was struck by waves in 1929 that had been generated by an undersea earthquake and landslide off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, Canada.

“The low frequency of these events is disarming, but the potentially devastating effects warrant at least a basic action plan,” added the statement.

Similar exercises for another seismic event scenario are planned for the Gulf of Mexico.

Residents are asked to take note of the details provided in the warnings, and consider their readiness in the event of a real tsunami.

Police and Bermuda Maritime Operations will also take part in the exercise, which will be called off if any genuine threat occurs.