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Investigation continues into discovery of infant’s body

Police are continuing to investigate the discovery of a dead infant “in a mummified condition” near a Hamilton Parish graveyard.

The discovery was made by a landscaper on Friday in an area of undergrowth beyond the perimeter wall of the Holy Trinity Church on Trinity Church Road.

Police later said the male infant’s death did not appear to be suspicious. Assistant Commissioner Antoine Daniels revealed that the body appeared to have a medical band around his wrist. In addition, “extensive maintenance” had recently been carried out at the graveyard “resulting in a number of tombs being refurbished”.

A police spokesman yesterday declined to say if teams from the Forensic Support Unit and Criminal Investigation Unit had been able to establish how the body had ended up outside the church grounds, if there had been any developments in the investigation.

“The investigation into the child remains is ongoing and as far as I am aware, there are no further updates available at this time,” the spokesman said last night.