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Calls for ferry service to be privatised

Online commentators have called for the privatisation of the ferry service after yesterday’s stoppage, with many fearing loss of tourism revenue due to the unannounced downing of tools.

Privatising or outsourcing services, including public transport, was a suggestion of the Spending and Government Efficiency report — and the privately hired Millennium ferry operated as usual yesterday.

“Even Stevie Wonder can see clearly that it is time to privatise!” posted Vexed Onion.

The work stoppage was blamed by Government on an investigation of a worker after “a very serious incident involving two Bermuda Industrial Union staff members”.

Calling the surprise loss of service “disgusting”, commenter Pineapple said it was “time to privatise public transportation”.

“Probably the worker was disciplined for good reason, but the union members think the discipline was undeserved and out of order.”

Carla Wilkinson said: “Why is it that every time someone gets fired for whatever reason, or reprimanded, there’s a strike? I don’t get it. These people don’t deserve to be paid one cent while they are out. There is no compassion for the people who rely on this transportation to get to work, to school, etc. The tourists are left stranded. Let’s not forget that we depend on them economically. Privatisation seems to be the best solution. I welcome it.”

Stating that workers had reacted to a failure by management to respond to issues, commenter BT said: “Privatisation will not change it either, as workers can also join together and have union representation.”

Finance Minister Bob Richards was off the Island yesterday and unavailable for comment. However, his 2014 Budget statement didn’t include Marine & Ports among departments under consideration for “mutualisation, outsourcing or privatisation”.