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Writer’s ‘litmag’ promises a unique view on Bermudian life

Young Achiever Lulu Hedstrom will publish the Bermuda themed literary magazine The Kiskadee in December.

A new “all Bermudian” literary and art magazine is calling for submissions from local writers and artists.

Set to be published in December, The Kiskadee, led by 17-year-old Lulu Hedstrom, hopes to highlight local talent by providing a much needed outlet for literary and artistic expression.

Artists can submit paintings, drawings, digital art, sculptures and more, while writers are free to submit poetry, prose, and everything in between.

The deadline for submissions is August 1 and there is no age limitation.

An artist and writer herself, Lulu said she was inspired to start The Kiskadee as it was the perfect way to combine her three passions of art, literature, and her Bermudian heritage, as well as fulfil her school obligations as she finishes her final year at Greenwich Academy in Connecticut.

“I truly wanted to highlight the talent that local artists and writers have to offer. In addition, because I am the editor of my school literary magazine, I felt that I had the experience to put together a local ‘litmag’.

“Luckily,” added Lulu, “I will have talented resources at my disposal as I piece together the first issue of the magazine this year.”

Co-editor-in-chief for her school’s award winning literary magazine, Lulu is also an avid surfer and rows with the Bermuda Rowing Association.

She received national Scholastic gold and silver awards for both her art and writing in 2013, was a finalist for the Connecticut Young Writers Trust awards, and received an award for creative achievement from the town of Greenwich itself.

Most recently, Lulu was awarded cum laude and received the Math Award at the end of the last school term.

As many will attest, a single teacher can change a student’s life, and Lulu was lucky enough to have several.

She said that guidance, combined with a passion for her country, is what has led her down the literary and artistic path.

“I have been fortunate to have had some really gifted English teachers in school so far — they have really encouraged me to pursue my interest in writing.

“Furthermore, most of my writing has been inspired by the Bermudian way of life. I try to capture the unique personalities and traditions that can be found on this Island.”

She said The Kiskadee would not be seeking profits, and the sole aim of the magazine would be “to create a final product that evokes Bermudian talent, which I feel the Island has in abundance”.

“Though individuals overseas often consider Bermuda a ‘tourist destination’, I hope that through this magazine I can reveal the fact that Bermuda truly has a deep sense of culture that is evident through the work of local artists and writers.”

Artists and writers hoping to submit their work should send it in .JPG format to kiskadeelitmag@gmail.com. Copies of the magazine will be printed and will be accessible online.

Artists and writers whose work is selected will receive a copy of the magazine.

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