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Island is an open book at library

Children and adults are invited to learn more about our Island home through a summer reading programme.

The initiative, Read Around the Rock, will showcase books that contain interesting facts and folklore about each of the nine parishes.

The programme is sponsored by the Adult and Youth Services Department of the Bermuda National Library.

“The summer reading programme for youth will use the parishes to group various reading genre that the children are required to read,” Marla Smith, Youth Services Librarian, said.

“Once they complete each of the three levels, they earn prizes. When they complete the third level, students earn a raffle ticket towards the grand prizes — a 10-speed bike and iPad minis — at the end-of-summer party.

“In addition, the Youth Library has planned daily activities for young people. A calendar of events is available at the Library on Church Street.”

The reading programme is free and open to residents aged 14 and older. There will be weekly prizes and a final grand prize.

Julie Bean, Public Services Librarian, said: “Registrations increase with each summer and winter programme. Participants report that they have enjoyed the challenge.

“This year we have added e-books, e-audiobooks and e-music to the materials selection.”

For more information or to sign up, visit the Bermuda National Library on Queen Street or the Youth Library on Church Street.