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Drug addict stole from mother

(Photo by Mark Tatem)

A self-confessed drug addict who stole cash and jewellery to the value of $900 from his mother has been offered a place at the Drug Treatment Court — but was jailed pending his appearance there in August.

Magistrates’ Court heard this morning that Kevin Boys, 44, of Middle Road, Southampton, took $700 in cash plus a brooch and earrings from his mother, Lynn Moniz, on Saturday.

The 67-year-old woman, who lives next door to her son, told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner he was “very ashamed” of his actions but consumed by his addiction.

According to the Crown, Ms Moniz had been noticing small amounts of money going missing for some time. Her son has access to the house.

At about 3.30pm, she was helping Boys clean his apartment and became suspicious after he was absent for a while. She later found her closet light switched on, and a packet containing cash missing as well as jewellery.

She reported it to police, who subsequently discovered the jewellery in Boys’s pocket. He admitted stealing the brooch and earrings but denied taking the money.

Mr Warner observed that Boys was known to the courts, having “imported, exported and grown” drugs in the past.

“While on remand, he will observe Drug Treatment Court,” Mr Warner said, also ordering a social inquiry report.

“This is not about punishing. It’s a matter of putting him in a position whereby he gets serious about treatment. As I said before, he’s been involved in the drug business since 1998. If he’s serious about help, this is a meaningful way of getting some help.”