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Husband who beat wife ordered to stay away from her

A Smith’s man convicted of domestic abuse has been ordered by the court to stay away from his wife.

In Magistrates’ Court this morning, Rafael Araujo, 26, pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife, Renee DeShields, causing bodily harm and detaining her against her will.

Prosecutor Carrington Mahoney said the offences took place on July 28 in their home on Knapton Hill.

According to Mr Mahoney, after an argument between the two turned into a fight, Araujo threw Ms DeShields to the ground, choked her, punched her and beat her which left the left side of her face swollen.

When Ms DeShields woke up and grabbed their two daughters from their rooms and tried to escape, Araujo locked and blocked the doors.

She went to one of the rooms of the home and locked her and her children inside. Once Araujo fell asleep, they escaped to Ms DeShields’s aunt’s house and were then taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

Ms DeShields was treated there for multiple bruises to her face and neck.

Araujo remained at the family home, where he was arrested shortly afterwards.

Araujo told the court he was sorry for his actions, claiming the argument arose because he suspected his wife was having an affair with another man.

He said he was prepared to take anger management, marriage counselling or face a temporary separation if it meant saving his marriage.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released him on $5,000 bail with one surety and ordered a social inquiry report.

He is not to reside with or interfere with his wife while on bail and will return to court on September 10 for sentencing.