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Grocery thief in court

A Sandys man admitted stealing groceries worth $57.84 from MarketPlace on Church Street when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Jerone Douglas, 29, pleaded guilty to stealing two packets of diapers, a packet of dried mangoes, a box of watermelons, a Royal Gazette newspaper, and two cream puffs on July 16 this year.

He was apprehended in the store and could not produce a receipt for the goods.

The police was notified and the defendant arrested.

The court heard that Mr Douglas has several previous convictions for dishonesty offences and is currently attending a Substance Abuse Programme at Turning Point.

Mr Douglas said he stole the groceries because he could not afford to pay for them.

He said: “I made a stupid, irresponsible choice. I’ve let a lot of people down, including myself.”

The case was adjourned to September 23, and Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released Mr Douglas on $1,000 bail.

A social inquiry report and a drug assessment were ordered.

• Lynne Thorne, 54, of Sandys, pleaded not guilty to stealing from the Rubis Gas Station in Warwick when she also appeared in court.

Ms Thorne allegedly stole two bottles of Christmas Breeze Pepper Jam and a Bermuda Sun newspaper worth $22 on November 29 last year.

Mr Warner set bail at $2,000 and the case was adjourned to August 28.