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Security guard attacked in court

After being remanded into custody, a man described as ‘mentally unstable’ attacked a security guard in Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Jahmel Mallory, 29, appeared in court last month when he was charged with assaulting a man on July 19.

He was unable to plea after he couldn’t understand the question “Do you want to be tried in Supreme Court or Magistrates’ Court.’ He was remanded into custody for trial this morning.

With Mr Mallory’s defence attorney Saul Dismont unable to attend court due to a Supreme Court trial, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner wanted to adjourn today’s trial to a later date and keep him in custody.

Mr Arion Mapp, who was filling in for Mr Dismont, asked Mr Warner if the defendant could be granted bail but was denied.

It was then that Mr Mallory, while leaving court, then attacked one of the security guards but was stopped and brought to the ground by another guard standing behind him.

“And you want me to release him on bail,” Mr Warner told Mr Mapp.

Mr Mallory was described as ‘insane’ by Mr Dismont in an earlier hearing and Mr Warner said that he had mental health issues.

Mr Mallory will return for trial on August 19.