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Man pleads guilty to assault

A Warwick man admitted assaulting a woman when he appeared in Magistrates’ Court this morning.

Raymore Trott, 21, of Cedar Heights Lane pleaded guilty to an assault that occurred on June 28 but pleaded not guilty to assaulting the same woman on June 2.

Prosecutor Carrington Mahoney said that both offences are alleged to have occurred in Paget and caused bodily harm.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released the defendant on $2,000 bail with one surety for trial on November 17.

He will return to court for mention on October 14.

• Also in Magistrates’ Court this morning, John Iris, 51, of North Street in Hamilton pleaded not guilty to assaulting and causing bodily harm to Kim Simmons on June 12 in Devonshire.

He was released on $2,000 bail by Mr Warner for trial on October 21 with a mention on September 22.