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Major police conference in Bermuda

Police officers from more than 30 countries are arriving on the Island for a conference next week on the prevention of child abuse.

About 150 members of Interpol’s Specialist Group on Crimes against Children (ISGCAC) will discuss the latest research and provide an opportunity for officers to share intelligence during the five-day meeting.

According to a Bermuda Police Service spokesman, ISGCAC promotes evidence-based practice, public policy and community and law enforcement strategies that lead to the effective prosecution, and management of individuals who have abused or are at risk to abuse children.

“By addressing new trends and modus operandi, the ISGCAC’s main object is to keep abreast of the latest developments and propose recommendations for Interpol’s General Assembly to prevent child abuse and exploitation worldwide,” the spokesman said.

His Excellency Governor George Fergusson, Premier and National Security Minister Michael Dunkley, Police Commissioner Michael DeSilva and senior Interpol officials will open the conference at the Fairmont Southampton Hotel next Tuesday.

Interpol — International Criminal Police Organisation — was established in 1923 to forge greater cooperation between police forces around the world.