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New storm warning for Caribbean

Storm warning: A sign warns of dangerous rip currents at Horseshoe Bay Beach as Hurricane Cristobal makes its approach to the Island.

It has been a quiet hurricane season so far — but meteorologists are warning that a tropical storm could develop off the Caribbean over the weekend.

According to the National Hurricane Center, thunderstorm activity associated with a broad surface low pressure area and an upper level low off the Leeward Islands are creating ideal conditions for a tropical storm to develop.

“Environmental conditions appear generally conducive for additional development during the next couple of days and a tropical or subtropical depression could form by the weekend,” a statement on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s website claims.

As of this morning, the system was around 625 miles south of Bermuda. Forecasters estimate that there is a 90 percent chance of the storm forming a cyclone over the next two days as the system moves north-westward and then north at a rate of 10 to 15mph.