Rabain taken to task over accusations in ZBM report
Tourism Minister Shawn Crockwell blasted Senator Diallo Rabain for accusations he made in a ZBM report that a director for the developers of Club Med had been convicted and jailed.
Speaking in Parliament, Mr Crockwell branded the claim against the Desarrollos director as “egregiously reckless… totally and completely false” acknowledging that the developer in question had a civil action filed against him by a US receiver.
The director in question has been named as a defendant in the action over a loan to complete the Aruba Hotel — a loan of $15m from an investment fund.
“There was a third party that procured the loan,” Mr Crockwell said.
“Subsequent to that there have been allegations that the investment fund was run fraudulently.”
Mr Crockwell pointed out that there have been charities that have inadvertently received funds from Ponzi schemes.
“It boggles the mind. This highlights the MO (modus operandi) of the Opposition – the objectives and play book of the opposition. He (Mr Rabain) will have to deal with whatever consequences that come if he thinks that people are going to take lightly to publicly impugning their character.”