Condolences offered to Edness family
Condolences were offered by MPs on Friday to the family of Prince Edness, shot dead more than a week ago by gunmen outside a Southampton residence.
An emotional Leah Scott of the One Bermuda Alliance said Mr Edness, 29, had been her godson.
“His death created a lot of controversy,” Ms Scott told Parliament, referencing Mr Edness’s self-acknowledged role in gang activity. “At the end of the day, this young man’s was a life cut short.
“While other people may not have got to know him as I got to know him, he was very special. I know his mother is hurting and his family is hurting.”
Saying she took the opportunity not to sit in judgment or condemnation, Ms Scott said she had risen to recognise that “we have an illness in our society that must be addressed”.
OBA MP Nandi Davis reflected on times spent as a young person with other youngsters during interschool sports.
“Sure, there were fights, and fist fights there, but never murder,” she said, expressing condolences for “a family that’s hurt”.
PLP MP Glenn Blakeney also offered sympathy noting that Mr Edness’s grandmother, Astrid, had looked after his own children when they were both infants.
The print version of today’s paper mistakenly attributed Ms Scott’s remarks to the PLP’s Lovitta Foggo. The Royal Gazette apologises for the error.