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Masjid Muhammad on Charlie Hebdo attacks

Masjid Muhammad mosque

Masjid Muhammad, Bermuda condemns the attacks on journalists of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. These attacks were heinous crimes against humanity and no one should be subjected to such treatment, regardless of one’s difference of opinion.

Admittedly, the pen over the ages has helped to transform cultures and civilisations. With the help of technology, it has also helped to enlighten us and to bring us closer together like never before. The pen has also helped to bring freedom around the world.

Undoubtedly, the pen is mightier than the sword, for the words and images created by writers penetrate into the psyche and souls of men and women, sometimes inspiring some and offending others.

As we stand together in solidarity as one family — the human family — let us proceed forward and settle our differences through constant dialogue. And as we uphold the ideals of freedom, justice and equality, let us do so through sensitivity, patience and perseverance.