Scott addresses road safety concerns
Remarks from Lawrence Scott, Shadow Minister for Transport:
With yet another road fatality reported this week, I extend my heartfelt sympathy to the families who have lost family members and loved ones on our roads.
The Commissioner of Police discussed implementing a Road Policing Strategy back in November. We find it concerning that the two ministers responsible, Premier Michael Dunkley and Transport Minister Shawn Crockwell have not taken action in this matter. We believe that this strategy needs to be implemented immediately.
One aspect needs to be high police visibility on the roads, especially during peak periods of use.
The record shows that the majority of persons involved in accidents are males between their mid-twenties and early forties. This strategy must operate on this knowledge and address that bad motoring habits begin and are formed from age 16 onward.
The formation of a “Citizens Crisis Committee” comprised of all the relevant authorities in transportation and interested or selected members of the public. This would serve as a wider and broader consultative group to act in tandem with the Road Safety Council.
Finally, I encourage the community to come together and pledge to observe the three “Cs”: care, caution and courtesy.
Once implemented, this would make road safety a conversation that we have in our homes, in our schools and in our social environments. I believe that this combination has the capacity to save lives on our roads by changing the culture and mindset of the greater motoring community.