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Meals on Wheels benefits from Clarien gift

Clarien’s chief marketing officer Michael DeCouto presents a cheque for $13,466 to Meals on Wheels programme executive Allison Faiella.

Meals on Wheels was presented with a cheque for $13,466 from Clarien Bank today.

The donation was raised during the bank’s eighth annual Holiday GiveBack Programme.

Donations from the community, together with donations from Clarien staff, the Clarien Foundation and funds raised during a Gibbons Company charity shopping day made up the total amount of the donation.

Michael DeCouto, Clarien’s chief marketing officer, said: “The generosity of the community and the commitment of our employees have again laid the foundation for a successful Holiday GiveBack Programme fundraising drive.

“As the local economy continues to recover, we are humbled by the collective effort to donate generously to help Meals on Wheels continue to provide essential meal nourishment to so many in need throughout our community.”

He added: “Members of the Clarien team and I were honoured to partner with the Meals on Wheels staff to assist with preparing meals as an element of the Holiday GiveBack Programme.

“We appreciate any opportunity to become actively involved in the fundraising projects we undertake while helping to raise as much money as possible in support of the organisation’s work in the community.”