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Businesses urged to register right to vote

Edward Benevides

City chiefs have urged businesses in Hamilton to register their right to vote in the upcoming municipality elections before it is too late.

At present just 70 out of a potential 1,100 businesses have registered on the new ratepayers’ register for the elections that are due to take place in May. The register of ratepayers was terminated in 2010 under the Municipalities Reform Act when the business community had their right to vote in City elections removed.

However the latest amendments to the legislation have restored the vote to businesses, but the register of businesses eligible to vote has had to be started again.

“I’m sure a lot of businesses do not realise that we have had to start the registers again,” said Corporation of Hamilton Secretary, Edward Benevides. “We have had to start the register from scratch so we need all the businesses within the municipality boundaries to register their right to vote.

“Ideally this needs to be done before the end of the month, if not before, or the business owners will not be allowed to vote.”

The exact date for the elections has not been announced as yet, but it will be in the week of May 4.

The date will be announced by the Parliamentary Registrar after she “drops the writ” which is expected to be within the next couple of weeks.

Once this has happened businesses have seven calendar days to register their right to vote in the elections.

Under amendments to the legislation voters in Hamilton will elect eight councillors and a mayor this year.

Mr Benevides added: “Businesses can pick up registration forms from the front desk at City Hall. Once they have been completed they must be returned for the business to be eligible to vote.

“If anyone has any questions at all about the process they should call the Corporation on 292 1234.”

See Sir John Swan

Opinion, Page 4