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Health Minister marks Asthma Day

Health Minister Jeanne Atherden formally marked World Asthma Day yesterday during a ceremony at City Hall.

More than 9,000 Bermudians suffer from the sometimes life-threatening condition, including one in five children.

Ms Atherden said that the condition must be properly treated so that it does not develop into a chronic shortness of breath, and noted that there were more than 2,000 asthma related visits to the Emergency Room last year.

“If you suffer from asthma see your doctor, make an appointment with an asthma nurse and get a personal Asthma Action Plan,” she said. “Children who suffer from severe, persistent asthma are 30 times more likely to develop chronic respiratory disease in adulthood so it is vital to adequately manage childhood asthma. Asthma is exacerbated by various triggers including animal hair, dust, mould, chemicals, cigarette smoke and vehicle emissions.

“I am calling on all residents to do their part to work with Open Airways, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and Departments within the Ministry of Health, Seniors and Environment to do more to reduce asthma in our community.”