Beacon commemorates VE Day
The Bermuda Regiment this weekend celebrated the anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe this weekend, lighting a beacon at Spanish Point Park.
Governor George Fergusson was joined by veteran Jack Lightbourne in lighting the beacon, flanked by members of the Regiment, the Sea Cadets and the Bermuda Regiment junior leaders programme.
Along with the lighting of the beacon itself, a tribute was read in remembrance of those who served during the War.
While the lighting had been scheduled to take place on Friday — the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day — wet weather forced the event to be delayed until Saturday.
Also present for the ceremony were firefighters with the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service. Service spokesman Sgt Jamal Albouy said: “Although our role was strictly preventive measures and extinguishment of the ambers at the end of the ceremony, we were truly honoured to be a part of it.”