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Premier praises Relay for Life entrants

Members of Lady K’s Cancer Fighters at Relay For Life at the North Field, National Sports Centre (Photo by Akil Simmons)

Premier Michael Dunkley has extended his support and appreciation to all those who took part in the Relay For Life.

Mr Dunkley, whose wife Pamela was among the thousands of entrants, attended the National Sports Centre on Saturday to thank the volunteers and walkers.

The 24-hour walkathon started on Friday evening and aimed to raise awareness and funds to support cancer programmes in Bermuda. The event also celebrates and remembers those affected by the disease.

Mr Dunkley said that members of his own family had been affected by cancer, and noted the devastating toll it can have on a loved one and a family.

“I am very pleased to join my wife Pam and her team to support their efforts in what is a tremendously worthy cause,” he said on Saturday. “I also want to commend the hundreds of people who have been walking since last evening to celebrate and honour their loved ones and friends who have been affected by cancer.”

At the closing ceremony, Mr Dunkley told the crowd: “I could not be more delighted to help bring this 24 hours to a close.

“Who would have thought a year ago that we would be here today?”

Mrs Dunkley is a cancer survivor, and the Premier said that the Relay for Life offered an occasion to celebrate survivors along with “those who have fallen to this terrible disease”.

“It’s been a tough 24 hours for some people, but there’s always hope when people rally together,” he added.