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Seminal book gets eighth foreign edition

Dr Edward Harris

A seminal book written by Bermudian archaeologist Edward Harris has been published in its eighth foreign edition.

Dr Harris’s Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy is based upon his invention of the Harris Matrix in 1973, which set the industry standard for archaeological recording on excavations. The most recent Czech edition was translated by the archaeologist Jozef Chajbullin Kostial, of Prague.

The book was first published in 1979 and is now available in Italian, Slovene, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, German and Czech.

This year it will appear in a Chinese edition and French, Russian and Slovak translations are being prepared.

The copyright of the book was purchased and the book has been put on the internet for free downloading at www.harrismatrix.com, a site supported by the University of Vienna in Austria and the National Museum of Bermuda.