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BBC fined for naming accused

The Bermuda Broadcasting Company has been fined $4,000 for naming a man charged with a sexual offence.

The company’s chief financial officer, David Hills, pleaded guilty to the offence on behalf of the company.

The court heard that on April 1 this year a reporter with the company identified a man charged with serious sexual assault in a 7pm broadcast on ZBM. The broadcast was later repeated at midnight and 7.30am the following day.

The law prohibits the naming of those charged with sexual offences until after they have been convicted.

Lawyer Richard Horseman, representing BBC, said the incident was an obvious mistake by a junior reporter which was unfortunately not caught by the news editor or other senior staff.

Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo noted that the company had previously been convicted for a similar offence, fining the broadcaster $4,000.