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PLP calls for aid for hurricane-hit Dominica

Tropical Storm Erika seen in the Caribbean Ocean (Photograph by the NOAA via Reuters)

Walter Roban, the Shadow Minister of National Security, is calling on the Bermuda Government and the public to assist those in Dominica affected by Tropical Storm Erika.

“Another hurricane has brought devastation to the Caribbean region,” he said this evening. “According to the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, Dominica has been significantly impacted by Tropical Storm Erika.

“Reports coming in are revealing there has been loss of life and damage to the country, which has set back its economy and will negatively impact employment and further strain the government in the rebuilding process.

“The PLP extends well wishes and prayers to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerritt and the Government of Dominica, and all the affected families and communities of our Caricom partner. We also extend the same feelings to Dominicans residing here in Bermuda whose families may have been effected.

“We call on the Government of Bermuda to enquire officially with the Government of Dominica how Bermuda can provide support in any way to the Dominican people.

“Members of the public are encouraged to also check with relief agencies such as the Red Cross or the West Indian Association of Bermuda to find out how they might help.”