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Jamaican Association to hold banquet

The Jamaican Association of Bermuda is marking 28 years of service to the local community and Jamaica.

To help celebrate, on Saturday, September 12, the JAB will be hosting its second Life Members’ Induction and Awards Banquet under the theme “Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future”. The banquet will take place at the Hamilton Princess Hotel from 8pm, recognising individuals and organisations who have been instrumental in the continued success of the Jamaican Association.

Banquet tickets are currently on sale at $150 for patron and $120 for regular. The deadline for purchasing patron tickets is Friday.

For details, visit the JAB website at www.jamaicabda.org or call 291-4192, 533-1630 or e-mail info@jamaicabda.org or jamaicanassociationofbermuda@gmail.com.