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Spittal Pond goes pink for summer

Proud to be pink: Spittal Pond has taken on a strange hue, thanks to a harmless organism brought on by warm weather(Photographs by Blaire Simmons)

One of the Island’s top nature reserves has gone pink for the summer, but the strange colours that have taken over the waters of Spittal Pond are a harmless organism brought on by warm weather.

However, former government conservation officer David Wingate said it was the first year he’d seen pink flourishing in the main pond at the popular reserve in Smith’s.

“It’s not related to the deadly red tide algae,” Dr Wingate added, referring to the algal blooms that can kill fish and poison shellfish.

“The birds and the fish are continuing to feed quite merrily within it,” he said.

Pink water can be caused by bacteria, but Dr Wingate said the colours were likely the result of an algal bloom brought on by warm weather.

The colour spreads regularly through the small fresh pond southwest of the larger body of water, as well as Seymour’s Pond in Southampton.