Same-sex marriage divisions evident again
As the Island’s public forums on same-sex marriage closed with opponents largely reliant on scripture, the minister in charge promised that the next step in the debate would be announced after the October 30 deadline for submissions.
“We are split on this issue,” community and culture minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin told a packed audience of 400 at the Bermuda College, where many in the auditorium stood and dozens more waited outside.
Several who spoke in favour of same-sex unions grew emotional as they described their trials in carrying on committed relationships that cannot be enshrined in Bermudian law.
“The love my husband and I share is not a mistake,” one man told the gathering. “We are not a mistake — give us equality.”
The night’s opening speaker stressed that churches would not be forced to take in same-sex marriages, adding: “If someone’s against gay marriage, that’s OK — I won’t invite them to my wedding.”
Maria Seaman, pastor of the Shekinah Worship Centre, stood by marriage as “a pattern sanctioned by God” in the form of Adam and Eve, while Kenneth Manders of the Bermuda Seventh-Day Adventists said: “I am thankful for my momma and daddy — I think that’s how we all got here.” Others read biblical passages from Genesis, Corinthians or Leviticus.
Christopher Edwards countered: “I’m Bermudian, I’m a Somerset fan, and I’m gay.” Adding that he had a husband as recognised in the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland and South Africa but not in Bermuda, he said: “I am going to be brave, and I demand from this government that I have the same rights as anybody else here.”
Mark Anderson, well known for his drag performance as Sybil Barrington, drew laughter by thanking the night’s speakers for “taking a lot of pressure off me”.
Saying he had no desire to be married in a church, Mr Anderson told the audience: “I was molested in the church by a minister. Amen.”
While emotions ran noticeably higher than at Monday’s forum, with last night’s moderator having to ask attendees to refrain from holding up signs, Ms Gordon-Pamplin expressed pride at its respectful tone.
Although the forums have now ended, the ministry is continuing to take submissions from the public until October 30, at the email address
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