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Unsung heroes: spreading positive vibes

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Community work: radio DJ Lynwood Richardson. (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Spreading positive vibes is all part of a day’s work for one local radio personality.

Brotha Richie, real name Lynwood Richardson, prides himself on living life purposefully and using his talents to make a difference.

The 42-year-old Smith’s resident upped his game last month by throwing a Back-2-School Community Jam for hundreds of residents in partnership with Kenneth Richardson.

“We wanted to do something definitely to impact the area, the community,” Mr Richardson said.

“The event went awesome. People left there with hope; people were reminiscing about block parties put on in the past.

“I left there and wanted even more so to promote events that families can enjoy, where you’re not struggling to find a babysitter because you want to go to a party.”

Mr Richardson said they were overwhelmed by the hundreds of people and the cross-section of the community that attended the event at Parson’s Road Park and Playground.

“It was special because there was no negative vibes. People were enjoying themselves, they enjoyed the music, they were surprised that everything was free.”

Mr Richardson said the event came about after he stopped at the playground during the Bless Up Bermuda Tour he was doing with Mark Phillips, his partner at Trinity Sound.

He teamed up with Kenneth Richardson to plan the event when they both realised they wanted to do something to give back to the community.

“I’ve been part of community events and initiatives before but this was my first one that I’ve actually done through Soul Food Promotions, my own entity,” he said.

Despite it having been a tiring and stressful day, Mr Richardson said they would not hesitate to do it again. And while they hope to make the Back 2 School Community Jam an annual event, he also has a few other projects in the making.

“I am not waiting till next year,” he said. “I’m maybe trying to do something at Christmas time as another giveback to the community.”

Mr Richardson started Trinity Sound — the Island’s first gospel DJ sound system — in 1997, with the mission of using urban gospel music to reach the community and show people a different side of Christianity.

Despite taking a break from his passion during the next decade, he got back to his roots in 2010, and began promoting gospel and community events.

“In the last two years I really wanted to get back into the original mandate, which was going out in the community to spread some positive vibes,” Mr Richardson said.

“That’s been my life anyway; outreach, using my gifts to bless my community.”

Through his company, Soul Food Promotions, Mr Richardson aims to encourage and inspire others by putting on events that “will feed people’s souls”.

Such events are needed, according to Mr Richardson, especially because of the stress and negativity people face.

“I always say ‘bless up, bless up’ because that’s what I want to do. I really believe I have been put here to give something. Giving is to be a blessing to somebody else, to encourage, to inspire, to motivate.

“I’ve been through a lot — I know what it is to be depressed, I know what it is to be mentally unwell, I know what it is to be unhappy.

“My main thing is that right now I am about living on purpose, pursing my purpose and fulfilling my God-ordained destiny.”

Mr Richardson has been a DJ at Hott 107.5FM since 2010 — he also worked at the station between 2004 and 2005.

The self-taught barber, who used to be a Sunday school teacher at the New Testament Church of God in Somerset, has also been involved with youth groups and other youth initiatives.

“Throughout the years I’ve just been into inspiring and encouraging youth,” the father of four said.

To encourage others to give back, he said: “Find out what it is that you are passionate about, what you love to do and serve, serve yourself.

“The greatest gift you can give anybody is yourself. When you are doing what you were created to do, that’s success — that’s what it’s about for me, doing what I was created to do.”

Spreading positive vibes in the community: Radio DJ Lynwood Richardson (Photograph by Akil Simmons)
Spreading positive vibes in the community: Radio DJ Lynwood Richardson (Photograph by Akil Simmons)