Senate: tobacco restrictions approved
Tobacco restrictions have been approved by the Senate, over continued doubts from the Progressive Labour Party.
However, a proposal from Diallo Rabain, the Opposition Leader in the Senate, is to be added later to the Tobacco Control Act 2015.
The legislation brought by Lynne Woolridge, the junior minister of health, contained “a bit of an overkill” for retailers, Sen Rabain said.
The stipulation that no tobacco products could be displayed within three metres of confectionery or snacks would create a problem for small businesses.
Sen Rabain pointed out that no such restrictions fell on the displaying of alcohol in stores.
He proposed adding an amendment that would ban smoking in vehicles occupied by a young person of 16 or under, which is established in many other jurisdictions.
Sen Rabain added that Jennifer Attride-Stirling, the Permanent Secretary, had undertaken to add the provision to the bill by negative resolution.