Celebrate love with photography competition
Love is in the air but if you can capture it through a lens you could be in line for a host of prizes.
Petals has launched a Valentine’s photography competition that invites participants to enter a photo of them and someone they love.
Owner Nikki Begg said: “The photo should capture the emotion between you and the person you love whether it is your honey, your best friend or your child.
“It could be a relationship with your dog, love or grandparents but something that creates an emotion and provokes in you the feeling of love.
“We take so much in life for granted and our relationships and I think it is really important that we ask the question, ‘what is love?’.
“What I want to do is make people think about what is love to them and help define that.”
Ms Begg made clear that her company “does not discriminate” and invited entries from LGBT couples.
“I don’t believe that we should dictate who can love who — I don’t have the right to do that,” she said.
“We live in a free world we live in a free community. As a Christian I greatly respect the tenants of God, however, you love who you love and should be allowed to love and marry who you like. When you love someone you will go to battle for them — it is complete.
“There is so much mess going on that we need to look outside of ourselves. It is about celebrating life and having the freedom to celebrate love.”
• Entrants must submit a photo to Petals at 19 Queen Street or e-mail them to nikki@petals.bm. For more information call 292-7303 or visit www.facebook.com/petalsbermuda