City Food Festival: Reno savours success
Hundreds gathered on Front Street last night to enjoy the finale of the City Food Festival.
Spectators listened to music and enjoyed tastes from more than a dozen local restaurants, ranging from Jamaican Grill to Port O’ Call.
While the event was initially scheduled to take place on Saturday, weather concerns led organisers to delay the event until last night.
In the final round of the festivals chef competition, Richard “Dick” Reno narrowly beat Royal Bermuda Yacht Club chef Daamian Simmons to take the top prize.
Both chefs were given 30 minutes to create plates featuring shrimp, bacon, potatoes, bell peppers and red onion, working in front of a crowd of cheering supporters at the number five car park.
Judges praised both chefs for their flavours and their use of ingredients, but Mr Reno came out ahead by three points.
Mr Reno, of The Smokin’ Barrel, said he was excited to win the competition with his plate, saying: “I just tried to keep things as simple as possible and really highlight the selected ingredients.”
For his efforts, he was presented a cheque for $500, while Mr Simmons took home a $350 cheque. He was far from the only winner of the day however, with cooks both professional and amateur showing off their takes on Bermudian classics like rum swizzle, fishcakes and fish chowder.
Visitor Aaron Scott, from Delaware, said he enjoyed having the opportunity to try several island favourites in the festive atmosphere.
“Everything smells great and tastes just as good,” he said. “I was warned the swizzle has a bit of a kick, and I have not been disappointed.”