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Bishop to lead church ‘End-to-End’ walk

Walking challenge: Bishop of Bermuda Nicholas Dill

Bishop of Bermuda Nick Dill will undertake his own “End-to-End” event tomorrow when he will walk from Somerset to St George’s, passing every Anglican Church on the way.

Joined by other Anglicans, he plans to set off from St James’s Church in Sandys and complete the walk at St Peter’s Church in St George’s.

The event is taking place in partnership with the Church of England and other members of the Anglican communion worldwide in response to a call from the Archbishop of Canterbury and York for a “wave of prayer” to flood the nation on the run up to the day of Pentecost, explained Bishop Dill.

“Called Thy Kingdom Come, it is drawn from Jesus’s model prayer,” he said.

“The Archbishop says of the Lord’s prayer that it is impossible to overestimate the power of this prayer — reassuring enough to be on the lips of the dying; dangerous enough to be banned from cinemas; famous enough to be spoken each day by billions of people in thousands of languages, yet intimate enough to draw us closer into a relationship with Jesus Christ; simple enough to be memorised by small children and yet profound enough to sustain a whole lifetime.

“Each parish has been invited to hold special prayer meetings, 24/7 prayer and other similar gatherings.

“Each person is invited to wear or carry a piece of kite string knotted with five knots to represent five people they undertake to pray for during the week and beyond.”

On Sunday at 4pm there will be an open united service of Prayer and Praise at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity in Hamilton. Encouraging those to join him on the walk, which will start at 8am, the Bishop is asking them to pray for three things as they walk — “that every individual Christian should be renewed in their personal faith so that the love of God infuses their daily lives and work and their own personal relationship with God; secondly that all those that we meet, are close to or work among, would see something of Jesus in us that draws them closer towards his love and saving purposes and bring about transformation in their lives; and thirdly, to pray for the church that it may be so full of the life and joy of Christ that it overflows with the reality of Jesus wherever that leads.”

The aim is to reach the Cathedral for a prayer service at lunch time and to reach St Peter’s by 6pm for a final service.