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Boats blessing ceremony this weekend

Annual event: Reverend David Raths, above, will preside over the ceremony with Bishop Nick Dill

The annual Blessing of the Boats is scheduled to take place this Sunday in St George’s Harbour.

The ceremony, to be presided over by Bishop Nick Dill and Reverend David Raths, is scheduled to begin on the Chapel of Ease dock at 9am.

The event dates back to the 1849 consecration of the Chapel of Ease. With no bridge connecting St George’s to St David’s, four sons of clergymen volunteered to row the bishop across the harbour. As he passed through, the bishop blessed the boats that had gathered to watch. The tradition is now carried out every year — usually accompanied by a codfish breakfast.

Visiting boats are invited to take part in the event, but are asked to first collect a flag from the Visitors Information Centre in St George.