Baron pledges to help tackle East End crime
Jeff Baron, the Minister of National Security, has pledged to work with senate colleagues from the Opposition to tackle crime in the East End.
Mr Baron told the Senate yesterday he would listen to concerns raised about a recent rise in burglaries and looked forward to working with Progressive Labour Party senator Renee Ming to address crime in St George’s.
His comments came after Ms Ming had raised concerns about a recent spike in break-ins in the Olde Towne.
“St George’s, over the last four weeks, has seen several break-ins, which is a bit unusual for us,” said Ms Ming. “One of these businesses has been broken into twice in the last month.
“We are all resigned to the fact that there will be no police station opening up in St George’s, but there is a need for something to be done, police put in place and cameras put up.
“There are eight cameras in the town and one in a residential area; that may not be sufficient at this time. For us in the town it is extremely concerning.”
Mr Baron, who recently took on the Ministry of National Security, said he took on board the concerns raised and maintained that the Bermuda Government continued to push ahead with their Throne Speech promise of installing more cameras in St George’s and the West End.
“I look forward to working with the senator,” he said. “For me it is important to work with capable personnel regardless of their political stripes.”
Mr Baron also referred to a town-hall meeting that will take place at Penno’s Wharf on June 16, where he will be speaking about the police plan for the area.