Ageing forum to decide priority issues
Created: Jul 07, 2016 01:00 AM (Updated: Jul 08, 2016 02:03 AM)
A series on ageing in Bermuda will conclude this Friday night in Hamilton, during which a list of priority issues for senior citizens will be drawn up.
Organised by the Peace and Social Justice Committee of the Roman Catholic Church of Bermuda, the session will take place from 7.30pm at St Theresa’s Church Hall on Laffan Street.
A spokeswoman said the event was “not an end but a beginning”, and would be open to all.
“It will include all panellists and participants coming together once again to establish social, political and moral action plans to address from this Autumn,” she added.
“Ageing in Bermuda is a glaring community dilemma that nobody seems to want to talk about. As a community, we must each add our one drop to change this tide.”