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Funeral procession after death of Regiment sergeant

Colour Sergeant Keith Whorms

Details have been released for the Regimental funeral for Colour Sergeant Keith Whorms, who died last week.

The long-time driver for the Governor, Deputy Governor and Premier, passed away at the age of 53.

The Government has advised that traffic diversions and parking restrictions will be in effect for the funeral at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity on Church Street in Hamilton tomorrow at 11am.

A funeral procession will depart Augustus Funeral Home at 10.35am heading for the Cathedral, taking the procession west on Elliot Street, north on Brunswick Street, west on Beacon Street, south on Cedar Avenue and left on Church Street.

Following the memorial service, the procession will depart the Cathedral and return to Augustus Funeral Home via Church Street, Court Street, Elliott Street and Cedar Avenue.

Cedar Avenue and Parliament Street will be closed to vehicles from 10.30am until the conclusion of the funeral.

Vehicles will not be able to park on the north side of Church Street between Cedar Avenue and Parliament Street from 6am until the funeral ends.