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Kicks for Cancer nets $4,300 goal

Community spirit: from left, North Village Community Club president Shervin Dill, Freisenbruch-Meyer business development officer DeShae DeShields and Azuree Williams, events coordinator with Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre (Photography by Lisa Simpson)

The annual Kicks for Cancer campaign has raised $4,300 for Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre.

Hosted by North Village Community Club and Freisenbruch-Meyer, the fundraiser sees the insurance company donate money for every goal scored by the club’s premier and junior league football players.

“On behalf of Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, we are very grateful and thankful,” Azuree Williams, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre events co-ordinator, said.

“They are continuing to assist the community during breast cancer month. Women who are underinsured or don’t have insurance are now able to come and receive those services we offer, thanks to the Kicks for Cancer campaign.”

Ms Williams explained that the funds go towards the radiation treatment facility being built at the centre, as well as the equal access fund.

The fundraiser was started eight years ago and club president Shervin Dill said the players “are enthused by their participation”.

“This was something that they engaged and embraced and look forward to every year,” he told The Royal Gazette. He said wearing the pink shirts every October “gave them a sense of pride to know they were doing it for such a very worthy cause”.

“Over the years, as it evolved, we got our youth programmes involved with it, so the youth then had a very good appreciation of what the club responsibilities are and what the club has been doing outside of football, outside of sports, for the community.

“We’re particularly grateful to our partners, Freisenbruch-Meyer, for their participation and continued generous donation.”

DeShae DeShields, Freisenbruch-Meyer business development officer, explained that for each goal scored by the Premier Division team, the company donated $200.

“And for the juniors, because we wanted to get them involved, we did $25 a goal,” she said, adding that it is a great way to encourage the players to score, while also improving their sportsmanship.

“We are trying to raise awareness and funds towards the fight against breast cancer and this year we extended it to also include the goals that were scored in November.”

They also held the Kicks for Cancer day in November, with Freisenbruch-Meyer donating $1 for everyone who attended and was wearing pink.