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Joshua, 10, gives birthday money to charity

Joshua Mather, 10, has decided to give all of his birthday money to Feed My Lambs Ministry (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

When Joshua Mather heard about the work of Feed My Lambs Ministry in Haiti, he wanted to do something to help.

After giving it some thought, the 10-year-old Saltus Grammar School student decided to donate his birthday money to the charity.

“One of the people from Feed My Lambs Ministry came to Saltus and told us about the destruction of Haiti and the orphanage,” he told The Royal Gazette, adding: “It’s quite cool how they made this big orphanage.”

But he was struck by the fact that some of the children only eat a few times a week, whereas “we get to eat three times a day”.

With his birthday, which was on January 17, coming up, he decided to donate his birthday money, totalling $375, to the charity’s feeding programme.

According to his mother, Julia Mather, this amount will be matched 1½ times by his father’s company Ariel Re.

Feed My Lambs Ministry runs an orphanage for more than 50 children in Montrouis, as well as a clinic and a school for about 700 children.

Joshua, who lives in Smith’s, added that he would like to travel to Haiti one day, and perhaps even sponsor a student.

But the schoolboy, who will be heading to England to start boarding school soon, is no stranger to fundraising for a good cause, having raised $10,045 for the St Baldrick’s Foundation last year.

He also participated in the Family Centre telethon, which Mrs Mather helped organise, with his younger brother Somers.

“The really good thing that came out of it is that these two got to understand more about charitable giving,” Mrs Mather said, adding that they also learnt what they can do to help those less fortunate. “It seems to have hit a nerve with these two.”

She said Somers, 6, also wanted to donate his money to Feed My Lambs Ministry upon hearing of his brother’s plans but chose the Bermuda Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals instead after visiting the charity on a school trip.

Mrs Mather said: “They did it of their own volition. We all know what it’s like to be a kid. I genuinely couldn’t be more proud.”