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Christian Science healing lecture

A practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing is to present a free public lecture titled “Making the right decisions”.

The lecture will take place at Charities House Boardroom, 25 Point Finger Road, Paget, on Thursday at 7.30pm.

Leide Lessa will explore the concepts of God as “the all-knowing and all-loving mind, who is supreme”.

She said: “These are new ways, spiritual ways, to look at making right decisions.

“And I’ll offer examples of how I have used these three aspects effectively in my healing practice.

“It’s been my experience that turning in prayer to God as the one divine mind can lead to beneficial decisions.

“How? Thinking of God in this way moves us beyond looking at limited options, connects us to divine intelligence, and opens the way for us to see inspired solutions.

“I will give a one-hour talk discussing how each one of us can do this — and find peace of mind in making the choices before us.”

The presentation is based on the teachings of Christ Jesus in the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science.

For more information call: 232-1116/332-6030 or e-mail Martha Dismont/e-mail: christian.science.bda@gmail.com