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Bus cancellations announced for tomorrow

A series of bus cancellations have been announced for Tuesday morning by the Department of Transportation.

The following routes will not be in service:

6, St George’s to St David’s, 6.55am

8B, Barnes Corner to Hamilton, 8.27am

6, St George’s to St David’s, 7.04am

9, Hamilton to Prospect, 7.55am

9, Prospect to Hamilton, 8.05am

7, Watford Bridge to Hamilton, 7.10am

4, Hamilton to Spanish Point, 8.10am

4, Spanish Point to Hamilton, 8.22am

8xp, Dockyard to Hamilton, 7.50am

4, Spanish Point to Hamilton, 7.12am

7, Hamilton to Barnes Corner, 7.30am

8ch, Barnes Corner to Hamilton, 8.03am

2, Ord Road to Hamilton, 7.35am

3, Grotto Bay to Hamilton, 7.30am

8B, Hamilton to Barnes Corner, 8.30am

7B, Barnes Corner to Hamilton, 9.04am