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Airport workers mark Safety Week

Airport workers examine a safety poster at the site of the new terminal underway at LF Wade International Airport (Photograph by Robert Daniels)

Skyport, the operators of LF Wade International Airport, have commemorated Safety Week in tandem with Aecon, the contractors for the new terminal.

It was a first for Bermuda, held at the site of the development on Stone Crusher Corner — but the island also joined with 12,000 at Aecon projects in Canada and worldwide.

“Safety First” is Aecon’s top company value, the gathering heard, as Don Brophy, the senior vice president of the major projects group, addressed the crowd.

John Beck, CEO of Aecon, featured in a video presentation on risk tolerance and human error. A lunch for attendees followed.

The new terminal is expected to be completed by 2020, under a government-to-government agreement between Bermuda and Canada.