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Bus routes out of service for Friday

Several bus routes will not be running on Friday, according to an announcement from the Department of Public Transportation.

Affected routes are as follows:

10-Y Fort Langton Grotto Bay 7.15am

3 Grotto Bay Hamilton 7.30am

5 Hamilton Pond Hill 7.20am

5 Pond Hill Hamilton 7.30am

2 Ord Road Hamilton 7.35am

4sj Hamilton to Spanish Point 7.30am

4sj Spanish Point Hamilton 7.42am

1-Y Hamilton Grotto Bay 7.45am

1-Y Grotto Bay Hamilton 8.40am

10-XP St George’s Hamilton 8am

2 Ord Road Hamilton 7.55am

5 Hamilton Pond Hill 8.20am

5 Pond Hill Hamilton 8.30am

8 Hamilton Barnes Corner 8.30am

7 Barnes Corner Hamilton 9.04am